We had another really busy week last week—thanks to all our customers. If you have particular requirements, we are taking orders —please phone your order through to 07768 088095 or email georgina@oakhousefarm.co.uk. We still have plenty of stock if you want to drop in to see us. Profile This week: Sophie Sophie is Ben and Georgina’s daughter. Sophie is 7 years old and usually likes going to school (although she is currently enjoying being taught by her Mum and Dad!) Sophie is a keen gymnast, swimmer and skier. She sometimes likes to help out on the farm and spends lots of time teaching our border collie Molly new tricks. A few days can make a real difference in farming. After a really wet winter, we have been concerned by the very dry weather that we have experienced in recent weeks that has affected growth of all of our crops. The rain over the last couple of days has been a welcome relief (although hopefully it will turn out nice again for the weekend). As a mixed farm, we grow as much of the food for our animals as we can. It is a busy time of year on the arable side of the farm at the moment. We have planted our spring crop of lupins and have been busy putting on fertiliser. We have also been out with the sprayer. We farm conventionally so do use pesticides to help us to grow our crops and maximise our yields. However, we seek to use sprays responsibly, for example avoiding insecticides wherever possible. Opening Times Wednesday 9am - 3pm Friday 9am - 5pm Saturday 10am - 4pm Free delivery within 6 miles from the farm – call 07768 088095 or email georgina@oakhousefarm.co.uk to order Please observe our C-19 precautions in the shop
Oak House Farm News
Updated: Jul 30, 2020