Christmas might still feel some distance away, but we have already been preparing for over a year to make sure we have your Christmas dinner ready for you to pick up! We will have our full range of beef, pork and lamb in stock (did you try our pigs in blankets last year?) and our large free-range chickens (up to 6kg dressed weight) are growing well on the farm. We are expecting to sell out of some of the more popular products and recommend placing your order as soon as you know what you will need, either in person in the shop, by email to or by calling 07768 088095. Sheep breeding Over the last couple of years lambing with our flock of Hampshire Downs has been spread out, to say the least. We’re now at the time of year when we need to get the ewes in lamb and we are trying a new technique to make our lambing window next March a bit shorter than usual. The technique is called sponging and involves introducing a hormone soaked sponge into each ewe in a noninvasive procedure. 14 days later, the ram is introduced into the field of ewes and 72 hours later we should (if things go to plan) have an in lamb flock of ewes. If the first go is not successful, then there is a further opportunity to get them in lamb every 3 weeks. We sponged the ewes last weekend and will be putting our ram Zeus into the field on around 16 October. If you see a tired looking ram on 19 October, you will know why! Profile: The local cygnet The young swan (pictured right) has been reared on our neighbour’s pond. Last Saturday there was a mighty crash behind the pig buildings when the swan, we believe on its first flight, misjudged its abilities and landed on the roof and then fell off the edge, crashing into a gate. Other than damage to its pride, the swan was unhurt and was herded back to its home pond. This time of year is a dangerous one for cygnets as they learn to fly, often getting lost and not able to fend properly for themselves. Opening Times Wednesday 9am - 3pm Friday 9am - 5pm Saturday 10am - 4pm Please observe our C-19 precautions in the shop—one customer (or group of related customers) in the shop at a time please.
Oak House Farm News 8.10.20