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Oak House Farm News 6.8.20


It’s going to be hot again this weekend and the shop is fully stocked with all you need for a Friday, Saturday or even Sunday barbecue. We also have roasting joints available for anybody who still likes a nice roast, even when it’s hot. We have a vacancy in the (air conditioned) shop for a shop and production assistant. 14 hours each week (Friday and Saturday) and applicants need to be 18 or over. Contact Georgina for further details– Crop spraying At Oak House Farm we farm on a conventional system, meaning we use pesticides to help us to grow our crops. We believe that this is the most sustainable way to farm whilst ensuring that there is sufficient food for everybody. We are (relatively) short term guardians of our land, and believe that we have a duty to protect the farm for future generations. This commitment includes using pesticides sparingly and only when necessary. For example, we try to avoid using insecticides if at all possible as these often kill beneficial insects as well as pests. We have an agronomist who advises us on what chemicals we should use. Pesticide use in the UK is very tightly regulated. Chemicals undergo a lot of testing before they are licenced for use. On the farm, our crop sprayer is subject to an annual MOT test. It can spray to an accuracy of within 0.2% meaning we are confident we are applying the correct amount. Sprayer operators have to pass an exam before being able to apply chemicals and also have to carry out further training each year. We are always happy to answer questions on our farming practices in the shop. Photo on the right: Spraying the stubble turnips that were planted last week with a herbicide to remove the barley plants that are also growing in the field. The profile section will be back next week Opening Times  Wednesday 9am - 3pm  Friday 9am - 5pm  Saturday 10am - 4pm  Please observe our C-19 precautions in the shop— one customer (or group of related customers) in the shop at a time please.

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