It has been busy on the farm this week with harvest in full swing and getting the next crop in (see below). We have made a film of harvest at Oak House Farm, which you can see on our Facebook page @oakhousefarm. The shop has lots in stock for your Profile This week: Molly Molly is the farm border collie. Although she is not a working sheep-dog (more down to her owners’ lack of ability than her own), she enjoys spending time out on the farm. She is surprisingly fast when required to keep up with the quad bike. Molly is a very friendly dog and always appreciates a fuss if you meet her outside the butchers. A new year Time never stops in farming and no sooner is one growing year over (or at least drawing to a close) than the next one begins. We harvested our winter barley about 10 days ago. Overall the crop was a bit disappointing and yields of both grain and straw were below normal. However when we remember the terribly wet autumn and winter last year, and then the bone dry spring, it is something of a miracle that we got a crop at all. It takes us a few days to bale up and move the straw and then last Saturday we cultivated the field and planted our stubble turnips, which will be used to feed the cattle in the late autumn/ early winter. Unusually, we had rain just at the right time as we finished, and just 5 days later the plants have germinated and are growing nicely (picture right). Opening Times Wednesday 9am - 3pm Friday 9am - 5pm Saturday 10am - 4pm Please observe our C-19 precautions in the shop (details on the door)
Oak House farm news 30.7.20